
Quick call tool

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Quick call tool

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Choose the right course of action - even when time is limited

This Notion template provides a simple and fast method for acting based on rational rules. You simply assess the situation, find what rules suit it, and then decide the appropriate course of action. Practically, this is how it works:

  1. Identify the type of action you're faced with. The types of actions are chapters of The 5 Acts book and are accompanied by guiding questions.
  2. Evaluate the rules, and select the ones which are most fitting to the situation.
  3. Decide the most suitable course of action based on the rules.

The complete method of applying the 5 Acts framework and the Quick Call tool is descried in this Medium article: "Master the 5 Acts framework for Taking Effective Action.

Read the guide on Medium

60+ evidence-based rules for optimal actions

Acting from rules is the straightforward translation of "reasoning from mental models" or "avoiding cognitive biases". They are short and easy rules that help you avoid mistakes and take the best course of action. This template includes 60+ rules derived from The 5 Acts book. The book features the most fundamental explanations presently available. Notable sources include:

  • David Deutsch's epistemology of hard-to-vary explanations & fallabilism
  • Nassim Taleb's work on strategies in the face of uncertainty
  • Richard Dawkin's selfish-gene version of evolutionary theory
  • Game theory and microeconomics as interpreted by Naval Ravikant

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